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Stacey St. John

Title of the blog with an image of suzanne hacker

MARCH 21, 2023

#39: Embracing Spectrum-Friendly Airbnb Hosting with Suzanne Hackerl

Welcome to an eye-opening episode where we delve into the world of spectrum-friendly vacations with the incredible Suzanne Hacker, visionary founder of Spectrum Friendly Vacations.

Suzanne shares her heartfelt motivation behind focusing on spectrum-friendly short-term rentals and sheds light on the challenges faced by families with children on the autism spectrum while traveling. Her passion for making travel more accessible and enjoyable for everyone shines through in every word.

Throughout this episode, Suzanne generously provides invaluable tips so you can learn how to make your Airbnb or short-term rental property a secure and accommodating environment for kids with autism. From simple changes like securing the front door and implementing staircase safety measures to creating an autism-friendly kitchen, you’ll discover how even the smallest adjustments can make a significant difference.

The best part is that you don’t need a huge budget or tons of time to make these changes. Suzanne emphasizes how seamlessly you can incorporate these adjustments during turnovers, making it a win-win for guests and hosts.

So, join us and tune in to this episode to explore how these small changes and thoughtful additions can turn your short-term rental into a welcoming and inclusive space for families with autism. Suzanne’s wisdom and experience will undoubtedly inspire you to make a positive impact on the lives of your guests while enhancing your “Airbnb biz.”

Highlights and Key Points:


[02:12] Who is Suzanne Hacker?

[02:57] What prompted Suzanne to focus on spectrum-friendly vacation rentals

[05:38] Challenges experienced by families that have children on the spectrum when traveling

[08:00] How can hosts ensure the front door is secure for kids with autism?

[11:09] Staircase safety tips to make your vacation rental spectrum friendly

[13:16] Safety tips for an autism-friendly kitchen

[14:42] Room color choices for children with autism

[16:00] Accessories to include in your home to make it spectrum friendly

[18:40] What’s the budget to make a home spectrum friendly?

[22:04] Suzanne’s training for vacation rental owners on how to make their properties more spectrum-friendly

[23:19] Why most families with autistic children don’t travel very much and why you should be more compassionate as a host who is unsure whether to position a property as a short-term rental, mid-term rental, or long-term rental

Golden Nuggets


  • “It’s better to be more safe than sorry.”

  • It’s possible to make a home spectrum-friendly with a low budget, and it doesn’t consume time because you can seamlessly incorporate these changes during turnovers.

  • It’s essential to find people who you resonate with and learn from their experience and their education



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