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Stacey St. John

Title of blog with an image of Toni Boer

NOVEMBER 07, 2023

#53: Blending Real Estate & Tourism: Toni Boer’s STR Success Story

Hey there, welcome to another exciting episode where we’re diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Airbnb and short-term rentals. Today, we’ve got a special guest, Toni Boer, in the spotlight. She’s all set to spill the beans on her journey and the secrets behind her success in this thriving industry. So, get ready for a casual yet insightful chat that’s bound to leave you inspired and well-informed!

Now, Toni Boer isn’t your typical entrepreneur. She’s managed to blend her love for real estate and tourism into a harmonious concoction that’s taken her to some incredible heights. 🌟 Join us as we dig into the nitty-gritty of her story and uncover the factors that have played a part in her remarkable journey.

We’ll be exploring why Toni is so passionate about the short-term rental industry and the nuggets of wisdom she has to offer for its growth. Plus, you’ll get a glimpse into how she juggles a thriving real estate gig, family life, and the art of being a great host, all while staying actively involved in her local tourism community.

Join us as we unravel Toni Boer’s incredible journey through the world of Airbnb and short-term rentals, and discover the secrets that might just shape your own adventure in the ever-evolving hospitality industry.

Highlights and Key Points:


[02:23] A quick bio of our guest, Toni Boer

[03:19] How Toni ventured into the realm of short-term rentals

[07:23] How she started integrating her real estate business with the local tourism market

[09:01] How she successfully located and connected with local Bourbon executives and tourism directors

[14:42] Hostfully’s FREE E-Book for listeners!

[15:21 Toni Boer’s approach to engaging with local authorities

[18:24] The types of information she provides to her local officials to assist in advocating for the short-term rental (STR) industry

[20:23] How she utilizes her local market knowledge to support her real estate clients & guests

[25:16] The strategies she uses for time management

[28:46] Toni Boer’s mindset and experience of pivoting her business

[32:35] The most challenging moment in her life and how faith helped her navigate it.

[39:48] The Lightning Round

Golden Nuggets


  • “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” ~Zig Ziglar

  • You don’t have to buy luxury multimillion-dollar properties to be successful in real estate.



🌟 Get your FREE furnishing guide here

🌟 Get your FREE STR blueprint here

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