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Stacey St. John

Title of blog with an image of Kim Menapace

FEBRUARY 13, 2024

#67: Thriving as a Short-Term Rental Mompreneur with Kim Menapace

Craving more freedom and flexibility with your short-term rental business? Finding it hard to juggle bookings, guests, and personal life? 

Join our insightful chat with Kim Menapace, co-founder of The 5 Star Co-Host and seasoned Airbnb pro. 

Kim shares her journey from being a newbie in the short-term rental scene to becoming an industry leader, providing priceless tips on effective time management, sticking to core values, delegating tasks, and setting boundaries. 

Benefit from her experiences in entrepreneurship, parenting, and personal growth. Kim will also spill the beans on her rental business success, including growing the business with her spouse, overcoming hurdles, and the importance of continuous learning. Don’t miss out on this valuable conversation!

Highlights and Key Points:


[02:34]  A short biography of our guest Kim Menapace

[03:26] Kim’s plan of running her own Podcast

[04:27] How Kim and her husband got to short-term rental business

[08:49] Strategies and techniques to manage her time and balancing priorities

[12:00] Kim’s constant reflection and re-evaluation process

[16:31 Realization and growth in understanding the importance of delegation in personal and professional life

[22:39] How Kim identified and operates in her genius zone

[26:44] Co-hosting business challenges and Kim’s strategies to overcome them

[28:48] The challenges of recognizing and addressing stress in personal and professional lives

[38:43] Kim and Dave’s growth strategy for their co-hosting business

[42:38] The lightning round

Golden Nuggets


Golden Nuggets


  • “You have to delegate to elevate.”

  • “It’s the little things in life that make the biggest differences sometimes.”

  • “Find someone who you want to replicate their success and join their mastermind program because it will absolutely change your life and your business.”

  • “Treat people the way you want to be treated, and I think that applies in hospitality”

Resources Mentioned


Creating A Life Of Abundance: A Couple’s Journey Together in Business, Real Estate and Short-term Rentals –



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