APRIL 02, 2024
#74: Fly High in Hospitality: Discover the Dynamic World of Crash Pads with Candice Menard
Get ready for an intriguing episode with Candice Menard – a seasoned flight attendant turned crash pad aficionado! Candice takes us on a journey where the skies of aviation and the comforts of hospitality intersect.
Throughout this episode, Candice unravels the secret world of crash pad living – a unique take on short-term rentals. She tackles the complexities of location selection, highlights must-have amenities, and reveals what makes crash pads a hit with flying crews.
Candice doesn’t stop there. She also shares her wisdom on choosing prime locations near airports and major transport links to boost your rental property’s appeal. Plus, she spills the beans on killer marketing tactics, efficient cleaning hacks, and other top tips for successful short-term rental hosting.
Whether you’re a seasoned Airbnb host or an investor scouting for unconventional options for your next short-term rental property, this episode is bursting with pragmatic advice and industry insider knowledge. So buckle up and prepare for an information-packed journey!
Highlights and Key Points:
[03:16] A short introduction of our guest, Candice Menard
[03:43] How Candice started in the short term rental space
[05:27] Candice as a former flight attendant talks about Crash Pads and how it works
[11:39] Identifying real estate investment opportunities for flight crew accommodations
[16:17] Finding the ideal crash pad proximity to airports and strategic locations
[17:54] Candice’s insights about crash pad living of flight crews
[19:04] Understanding crash pad rentals with shared spaces and flexible leases
[25:24] Candice’s tips on essential amenities that crash pad rentals must have
[28:21] Managing cleaning and laundry in crash pad rentals
[29:00] The various and effective ways on how to market crash pad rentals
[31:20] Candice’s advice in launching crash pad rentals in flight crew’s perspective
[33:56] The lightning round
Golden Nuggets
“Expect the unexpected and be willing to pivot.”
“Once you get an education degree, that is the one thing no one can ever take from you.”
“Everything is a building block for something else for the future.”
Follow Candice Menard on:
Website: rentitlikeasaint.com
Website: sellitlikeasaint.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RentItLikeASaint,
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rentitlikeasaint,
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rentitlikeasaint/
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